Our Team

Sergey Lutsenko

Lead Coach

Kirill Lutsenko

Head of Engineering / Team Captain

Kirill Lutsenko is an 11th grader passionate about engineering and programming. He has 2 years of experience with robotics, and enjoys music and programming.

Ryan Yuan

Head of 3D modeling and design

Ryan is an 11th grader at CCA. He has previously done two years of robotics and is excited to continue pursuing this field here in Triple Fault. Outside of robotics, Ryan is involved in his Aerospace Club, badminton, volunteering, and research.

Sean Park


Sean Kuo

Head of Hardware Implementation

Sean is an 11th grader at CCA and has a passion for robotics. He has two years of experience working with robots and enjoys building and programming with his teammates. Outside of robotics, he enjoys tutoring children, teaching children overseas English.

Sang Park

Head of Hardware Design

Sang Park is an 11th grader at CCA. An aspiring engineer specializing in various parts of mechanical and electrical engineering, he practices through ambitious projects including his involvement at Triple Fault. Outside of robotics, he enjoys launching weather balloons at Aerospace Club, teaching kids science, repairing electronic devices, and creating his own.

Aiden Shi

Head of Software

Aiden Shi is an 11th grade developer and designer. He designs websites such as this one. Outside of designing and developing systems for robotics, he spends a lot of his time with obscure programming languages and compilers.

Owen Kwan

Head of AI Systems

Teemo main

Elena Lutsenko

Engineer in Training